Make a blood or monetary donation

Cutting-edge research is expensive to carry out, with funding required to purchase reagents, rent workspaces, pay wages and publish new findings. Your contributions are incredibly important. They allow us to focus on our work without worrying about financial support moving forward.

Another way you can help is by becoming a blood donor with us. Blood donations from healthy volunteers are essential for us to carry out our research.

We are so appreciative of all our donors; become one today.

For all monetary donations or queries,
please contact Ruby via the email below.

To donate to our early detection project, please follow the link below.

To donate to our other research projects, please make a deposit to:

Bank: ANZ Banking Group Ltd. 1 012 390

Branch: 12 -14 Belmore Road, Randwick NSW 2031

Branch Number: 012 390


Account Number: 837 687 043

Account Name: UNSW Philanthropy

Reference: Gynaecological Cancer Research Fund - PS29043

Make a difference with a blood donation

We are researching an early detection test for ovarian cancer. To ensure the test is appropriate and effective for the general population, we need blood samples from healthy volunteers. Learn more. FAQs.